Open Days

Kevin Worth

We recently received this touching testimonial that really helps illustrate everything we are trying to achieve here at Brookhouse Training Centre.

Dear Brookhouse Training Centre,

Having just completed my CCN1, CPA1 & CENWAT I thought it appropriate that I provide some feedback on my experience. Before I do I’d like to preface it by stating that during the 33 years since leaving school I have attended more than my fair share of colleges, universities and training centres to acquire greater knowledge & skills. I cannot deny that as I’ve aged, completing these courses has become more difficult than in my youth but my desire to learn has not waned at all. Apart from my own desire and efforts, the key factor to success is the quality of the training provided. Sadly, some providers fell well short of the mark on this point. For comparison purposes I’ll stick with the “professional” courses; my experiences of which, often left me generally disappointed and made life unnecessarily hard work. Not all parts of all courses were bad of course, otherwise I’d never have passed them all but it’s fair to say that some of the courses were shockingly run and, over the years, I’ve had a disturbing number of tutors that either had no ability to convey the information or were so far out of date with the current procedures that you’d wonder how or why they were employed.

I’m pleased to say that this is not the case with BTC. I’ll put it very simply: It is the best course I’ve ever completed! From the moment I dropped in (without appointment, I might add – I was just passing) to discuss courses and was shown round by Robin, I knew this place was special. I could just feel it.

Initially, back in late February, I joined 7 others for the 3 week plumbing course (prior to the 5 week gas training) and was introduced to Steve Rosher. Now I’m not one for “blowing smoke…” etc (unless i haven’t warmed the flue enough….lol) but credit where credit is due and for this man it is due in spades. Steve is the consummate professional, his passion for the subject, his almost encyclopaedic knowledge and his gift for sharing it is abundantly clear from the first moment and it doesn’t take long to guess his background. His no-nonsense approach, tempered with a dry humour, kept a fine balance between serious study and a fun learning experience that gave the whole class confidence, not only in him but BTC and most importantly, themselves. Given that the class consisted of 8 men (plus a further 3 once the gas course started) with an age span of 30-ish years, of vastly varied backgrounds and academic abilities, I don’t think I’ve ever been more impressed. Moreover, in the 11 weeks of training and the following weeks/months until passing on Friday, he has consistently provided support, knowledge and advice to the highest level, for which I shall be ever grateful. Without doubt, the best course tutor I’ve ever had and an asset to BTC.

The rest of the team are quite remarkable too. I think it fair to say that I have never met such a committed team of professionals. Sure, I have had some good (and in some cases, great) tutors before but not such a complete and dedicated team. The friendly environment is practically family-like and nothing ever seems to be too much trouble so I’d like to thank everybody for their part in providing a top quality training experience. In particular I’d like to say thank you to Robin, for seeing me on such short notice, dealing with all my inquiries, and regularly checking how I was getting on; Simon for arranging my placement and checking on my progress; Butch for assessing my portfolio and providing such valuable and much appreciated support & advice, especially in the last few days; Jerry (or is it Gerry? I forgot to check, sorry), for preparing me for the the assessments and dragging my brain back into gear; Paul for his undying patience, his ability to apply pressure & calm in equal measures in order to extract and impart vital knowledge (and particularly for staying back a bit late on Friday, beyond the call of duty, to get the paperwork sorted); Steve (naturally) for the unparalleled training and providing me with all the “tools” necessary to get the job done, Amy for keeping everything in shape; and to everyone else without whom, none of it would have been possible. It has been a real pleasure to have been part of the “family”. It has been hard work but it has been more than worth it and I have enjoyed every minute. I look forward to seeing you all again soon for my other appliances & Part L.

I shall be singing your praises to all that will listen for many years to come. Heartily recommended.

Best regards
Kev Worth.

The reason we have the reputation of being the best gas training centre in the UK, we give our students what they need to work competently with gas, not what is easiest and quickest for us to deliver.