Who we are
Nearly 30 years of experience in the gas training industry
We know what we're doing; our experience and expertise in the industry has led to the right approach to training provision, which fits around your work and family life.
Our Vision
Brookhouse has been training Gas engineers since the late 1990s and the business is built on strong foundations of solid moral and ethical beliefs. We sit down individually with each and every student we train on every course to listen and gather real feedback, which helps us change, develop and improve every month. We never settle for “good enough”…to be the best, you must train and learn from the best.
The Brookhouse Way
We like to think of all of our students as friends that we are helping on their journey to a new career. Before we make any decision to change, the first question we ask ourselves is, “Does this improve the student experience?”. If it adds value, it gets implemented – regardless of the investment. We know we are not perfect but we try our very best every day to get better.

Our values
Every day we focus on four key business values that build the foundations of the Brookhouse family.
We aim higher; with the incentive to reach as many people as possible in need of a career change and skill training.
We do this by putting all our efforts into our work. With enthusiasm and dedication, we are able to instil this into our work and our trainees.
We take ownership by following through with our promises to provide training from the industry’s experts.
We deliver on the above key business promises by working together as a team.
The reason we have the reputation of being the best gas training centre in the UK is because we go over and above to give our students what they need to work competently with gas, NOT what is easiest and quickest for us to deliver.
Book your open day place
This is your opportunity to see first-hand who you might be training with, to receive priceless career advice and to ask as many questions as you like. Our aim is to leave you informed and educated, with your mind at ease, happy that you have met us, and impressed with our centre.
Please note that places on our Open Mornings are limited, so you are strongly advised to reserve a place – we are very aware that this is a big decision, so you are more than welcome to bring a friend or a partner with you too. All we ask is that you let us know beforehand. There is no binding commitment – at the end of the morning you’re free to leave and think about everything that you’ve heard. We want you to make the right decision, in your own time, without any pressure!